gRX OS board
The RX/62N OS Development Board has the following features:
- RX/62N Processor running at 96 MHz
- 32 or 64 Mb of 16-bit SDRAM
- USB-based programming console (FT232R, gRX-compatible) provides
mode select, remote reset, and 115,200 baud serial port with hardware
flow control.
- Second console (TTY-232R-3.3V compatible)
- Host or device USB
- 10/100 Ethernet
- PS/2 keyboard/mouse connectors
- SPI-based microSD
- 8 LED indicators
- Ambient light sensor
- Ambient temperature sensor
- Consumer IR receiver (i.e. TV remote)
- Power monitor (wall wart voltage, current, power supply temperature)
- DVI out via FPGA - EXDMA compatible or standalone
- Stereo audio output
- Real time clock
- Powered by wall wart (8-16 VDC) or USB (programming console)
- Programmable via serial mode 2 (programming console) or USB (device port)
Schematics (pdf)
Layout (pdf)
Design Files (geda/pcb format)